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  • What is the EA Archive?
    International Employee Assistance (EA) Digital Archive, School of Social Work Collection is a free, publicly accessible repository where EA professionals can post original works, historical documents, or other papers and mixed media related to the field. Please see the About page for more information.
  • How do I access the EA Archive?
    You can access the EA Archive by clicking on the "Enter the Archive " button on the homepage, in the menu bar, or by clicking here.
  • How do I search for something on the EA Archive?
    The easiest way to search on the EA Archive is to use the search bar located at the top right hand corner of the screen. You can also search by date, author, title, subject, keywords, and collections.
  • Are there any costs associated with the use of the EA Archive?
    No. The EA Archive is a free, publicly accessible website. There are no costs to the person wishing to submit their work or to the user who wishes to view materials posted in the EA Archive.
  • What materials are accepted into the EA Archive?
    The EA Archive is a self-sufficient online repository where approved submitters can scan and upload their own materials. Please view our YouTube tutorial for instructions on submitting materials to the EA Archive. If you are submitting materials to the EA Archive for the first time, please contact Dr. Jodi Jacobson Frey at to complete a one-time EA Archive submitter form.
  • Whom do I contact if I have questions?
    Please visit our Contact Us page for more information or click to contact one of the Archive Leaders directly by email: Dr. Jodi Jacobson Frey Dr. Patricia Herlihy
  • How can I get involved in supporting the EA Archive?
    Thank you for your interest in supporting the EA Archive! There are a number of ways you can get involved. One way you can get involved is by submitting original materials to the Archive. You can also help spread the word about the Archive by sharing our resources with others in and around the EA and related fields. Please help to promote the EA Archive by posting the Archive link on your website. Check out our Support page for more information. If you are interested in funding a specific archival project, please contact Dr. Patricia Herlihy at to discuss her availability to work directly with you through her consulting company, Rocky Mountain Research.
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